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Gratitude Series

Nov 20, 2022 | Benny Tate

Ways to Say Thank You to God

 1. SEE it

2. SAY it

3. SHOW it


How to Show Gratitude:

1. SINGING to God

2. GIVING back to God

3. Celebrating the LORD'S SUPPER

4. Expressing GRATITUDE to OTHERS


Small Group Discussion Questions

1. Share one thing that stood out to you in this week’s sermon and why.

 2. Do you find it easy or hard to express gratitude to people? How about God? Why might there be a difference between the two?

3. God's people often encounter hardships, just as the Jews did while returning home from Babylon. How do you initially respond to life's inevitable or unexpected hardships? 

4. How can you express gratitude to God more this week? You might like to keep a list and choose a time each day to give thanks.

Series Information

Other sermons in the series